Sunday, March 2, 2014


But then I need my mom! Mama this is a shout out to you!

Me and my mom have the mother daughter love/hate relationship. Typical. We love each other so much, but she is one of the only people I also show my true colors with. I rarely get angry, and although people always talk about me being a very loud individual, hardly anyway has ever heard me raise my voice at them...except for my mother. Yet in my defense she is also mighty good at raising her voice at me.

Other things we excel in together:

*We are both super good at ranting, and, low and behold were also good at taking turns listening to whoever is doing the ranting.

*We both like the same kind of clothes. I'm not quite sure who that is embarrassing for...maybe I dress like an older women? Maybe my mom dresses like she's in her twenties? Maybe we just meet perfectly in the middle?

Oh and side note? I always steal her clothes. And when I buy new things she always mentions that if I don't want it anymore I can just "pass it along" to her!

*We both takes things super personal...and dwell. We are dwellers. Its bad!

*Worrying. She for sure passed that on to me. 

*Eating chocolate like its no big deal! BIG PROBLEM. Actually right before I started writing this I opened a bar of chocolate and, yup, you got it, it is already destroyed and in my belly. I really really blame you for this mama. Sometimes she would come home from work and if she had a stressful day she would just open up a bar of chocolate and me and her would GO TO TOWN on it.

Along with this. We love food. All kinds of food.

*At the same time were always on health kicks, and watch what we eat in terms of being gluten free...ladida.

*We obsess about our looks. My mom always worries about her hair. One time this summer I planned to take her out AND treat her for a nice dinner. We were meeting two of my guy friends. She asked if I would put her hair up in this twisted bobby pinny thing I do. Right before we went out I did her hair, but she didn't like the way it looked. She then had a little fit and told me she didn't want to go to dinner since her hair didn't look the way she wanted it. In that moment we switched roles. I put my foot down and told her that I was treating her and that we were meeting people and that she HAD to go to her hair looked lovely, and so did she. 

In the past year our relationships has shifted and evolved. We are no longer just mother and daughter, but friends as well. We still have boundaries, don't get me wrong. There are for sure things that I tell my girlfriends about my love life and other aspects of myself and my adventures that I don't share with my mom, and I expect the same from her. Yet things have changed. I guess you finally get to a point in growing up when you know what? My parents don't have it all figured out like I thought they did. This right here is one of the scariest and at the same time most liberating thoughts!

One time my mom told me if she ever died she would want to reincarnate as my baby. Super weird I know. But at the same time, wow, not only does she love me enough to spend another life with me, but she freaken trusts me.

When I left for college I thought I was mature and responsible. I was wrong. Now I think I am mature and responsible, and I am slightly more accurate. Sometimes though I take my mothers concern, love, and sweet phone messages for granted. "Ah just my mom" I think as I hit the ignore button on my phone. Or "Ahhh, again?" when I see a new voicemail from here after a double at the restaurant when all I want is a text from a friend about going out plans for the night. But the truth of the matter is no matter how mature and responsible I am, or will become, I will always need her love and support.

In the past week alone my mother has received a call from me that pretty much ends up with me crying. Yeah ahhhh...what a drama queen I am. But for anyone who knows me I really don't cry that much...unless I'm watching "Parenthood" because I'm super jealous of their dis-functional and wonderful family. Despite the tears and whatever I'm upset about my mom is there to listen and console me and I am so appreciative.

I guess these two phone conversations made me realize that no matter how old or respo
nsible I am I will always need my mom.


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