Happily ever after?
Marriage: yes or no?
I think I always scare my mom when I tell her I don't plan on getting married. On second thought I think she may just be afraid that I won't have any babies to make her a Grandma. Understandable...I am her one and only child, her one chance to have grandkiddies.
Both my mom and dad, and my grandparents on my dads side are still married. Two awesome examples of marriages that have gone through ups and downs yet have stayed together through the years. Why then do I not believe in marriage?
Honestly I don't know if I fully know why myself. But a few reasons: High divorce rate, way to much unfaithfulness and cheating, to many unhappy marriages that stay together because they don't want to be apart of that high divorce number. I also never want someone to feel like they HAVE to be with me...or how about evolving and changing as a person? Yeah yeah, its a nice thought to think that you can evolve as a couple, but...what if you can't? Life is short, there so many people out there in the world, and just because your happy with someone at some point does not mean that someone else would make you happier at another time.
Happy Marriage:)
Today doing a little scan of the Twitter world I came upon an article in the Huffpost about a 72 year old couple who had their dream wedding in the nursing home where they live together. Ladidadida pretty much the sweet couple got married in 1942 with none of the flowers, reception, family, just the two of them eloping in Reno before he went off to war.
This Valentines day they won King and Queen of the retirement home and everyone wanted to see their wedding picture. Ooooops...except one thing. They didn't have one.
When the homes director heard their story she worked with her connections in the community and soon flowers, a photographer, tux and dress were donated. To the delight of the couple a wedding manifested itself!
This couple who had been married for years and years didn't regret their small simple marriage. Perhaps they did it the right way. Marriage shouldn't be about the wedding, the guests, the food, drink and location, it should be about the love and trust a couple wants to celebrate.
Bottom line. These two are adorable and there little wedding at their retirement home is super sweet. Wonder if their family was there? Prob not. Serves them right after sticking their parents in one of those depressing death homes...oooops did I just say that? Wow that's probably why I'll never get married, no ones gonna wanna marry a negative bitch like me. Just kidddding. I'm a delight!
Unhappy Marriage:(
During my Journalism class we discussed a scandal going on in my town. Pretty much there are quite a few affairs going on...not surprising since we live on a tiny Island in Maine. The only thing to do in the winter is drink, smoke, and well ummm act like Jack Rabbits? Is that appropriately put?
Anyway I guess this one ladies husband found out she cheated on him. They are still married. He has a new motorcycle and she has a new car.
I wonder how that arrangement went down. Did she like play the weepy game and play victim by saying that she feels like he never pays attention to her? To which he then apologized over and over and bought her a car and then she felt guilty so she bought him a motorcycle? Or was it more like she told him she wanted a divorce unless he bought her a new car, and then he was like fine I get that motorcycle I have been wanting for years. Or maybe they were getting bored in their intimate life and so she cheated, but now with the new car and motorcycle they have new places to do the deed? Whoooo knowssss. And you know what? I honestly should not judge, I don't know anything about their marriage.
Who knows where I will be five years from now? Maybe I will have babies, be married, or be a roaming single gal. If anyone knows me they know I am fickle...comes with the territory of being a Gemini. I honestly change my mind every few hours/days/weeks about anything in my life...so who knows...I may end up married with the white picket fence and a mom van. Time will tell!
Great looking post!