I could write about the lady the other day who seemed to think it was my job to get her a table in the dinning room in the next 2 minutes even though we already had an extensive wait list and I was bartending to a full bar. I simply told her that she needed to go speak to the hostess...she did not appreciate that. Obviously it was MY job to make her drink, add her to the wait list, seat her, and serve her hand and foot...ummm no thanks please head your ass back to the middle ages when actual servants DID exist!
Or...I could talk about the annoying boy who asked me about a serving job at the restaurant I work at. He pretty much was like " I wanna be a server because I'll make the most money, right?" The irony of this little situation is that he DOES not understand how servers make money. You know how I know this? Because every time he comes in and I'm his waitress/bartender he leaves me basically nothing tips wise...yeah dude, you make money as a server when your guests tip you. LEARN ABOUT THE SERVING INDUSTRY BEFORE YOU TRY TO APPLY FOR A SERVING JOB...just say'en.
BUT...I have decided that today is a day to write about happy nice things.
I woke up this morning to breakfast in bed!
The sun was shinning through the window and I was excited about a morning hike with a friend.
By 9am I was on top of Beehive, looking down at Sand beach and drenched in rays of sunlight.
My breath was taken away by the beautiful view. My heart filled with so much wonder for the amazing place I live that is home to some of the most wondrous and exquisite places.
By 11am I was on the mail boat. My backpack was filled with all the necessities for a day trip to Great Cranberry: Bottle of wine, kale salad, popcorn, and an abundance of chocolate. Plus next to me was my adventure buddy Flynn, and on the Island waited my friend Genny.
Riding the golf cart from the Island store we took a little tour and saw all the animals that my friend takes care of...ducks, rabbits, chickens, roosters and sheep. We toured the house of the owner of the estate and drank wine and ate lunch for two hours.
Sometimes the most wonderful hours are filled with talking and drinking in the comfort of friends company...actually revoke that...THE BEST TIMES ARE SPENT THIS WAY!!!
We finished the afternoon with me driving the golf cart around the island (which I'm actually quite good at. I know, surprising to all of you who think I suck at driving and will never get my license!) We romped around the island looking at the ocean, tried to miss the potholes, and ended the afternoon
sitting on the porch of the island store enjoying a cold one while we waited for the ferry home.
Today was a good day.
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