Sunday, January 19, 2014

Twins? Were not even the same ethnicity!

When you think about twins who pops into your head first? Yeah, yeah...okay, maybe your boring cousins, or those twins from second grade that would always dress in the matching ugly striped dress and cardigan sweater...but lets be honest: THE OLSEN TWINS...obviously...or maybe Lindsey Lohan playing the "twins" in The Parent Trap?! Either way we all, or maybe just me, have always dreamed about being a twin. Like on those days I don't want to get out of bed, or want to miss a presentation i could just bribe my twin and be like " Heyyyy if you do this for me ill pay you $50." OR " If you don't do this ill tell mom and dad you got alcohol poisoning on Prom night and that's why you missed Grandmas funeral." Lets be honest, sometimes blackmailing is the better choice! 
         The point is that during an interview i did with a twin today I learned something amazing. Do you know that twins on very very very rare occasions can have DIFFERENT fathers?!!? Yeah. Wow. Shocker! How awkward would that be..."Honey I would never cheat on you!" and then have one Caucasian and one African American baby. Yeah, sorry, cats out of the bag, your a cheater. The scientific term is Heteropaternal Superfecundation. I guess what happens is that sometimes, if a women has sex with two different men during the same ovulation two of her eggs can be fertilized by two different sperm? I'm no scientist, makes no sense to me, but check out the link. The show and story is borderline trashy; what kind of person, knowing that they cheated, with twins of two different ethnicity's thinks its smart to go on national television and allow a paternity test to happen?! I guess those five minutes of fame are worth it to some people, no matter the circumstance!